Facebook Coming Out

Hello world!

I hope that wherever and whenever you are reading this finds you well. I haven't really used Facebook in years, but I have so many lovely people as friends on here, and I'm writing to share some updates in a fun and written manner with you.

For those of you who haven't talked with me since I graduated from Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School, or even before, perhaps you're wondering why I'm now Mattie, use she/they pronouns, and am seemingly more 'feminine' (whatever that means). This is me here to catch you up!

So, I had a great first semester discovering myself at Davidson College. It was a semester filled with challenges that were joyful to overcome and I fell in love with Davidson.

I knew by the end of that first semester that I was no longer 'Matt.' I love the years that I was Matt but I'm not Matt anymore. My name is Mattie, and I'm not a man. I'm just not. So I started using they/them pronouns. In the spring, I started to experiment with my femininity and connected with it on an emotional level with which I was never connected to my masculinity.

Going into the summer, I started using she/they pronouns and started taking hormone replacement therapy. Yay body and mind changes! Yay to being happy! And yay to Spain. Oh, what an amazing experience.

Anyways, you're up to date on the big things. Double-Majoring in Gender and Sexuality Studies and Hispanic Studies too. Currently having the best time dog sitting for a professor.

Thanks for checking out my website! I encourage you to visit other parts of the site… here’s the home page! More to come with time.

And please, say hello in the comments/through the contact form/via email at hello@mattiebaird.com

with love,


Fluidity of Space


Welcome to my blog!